Before going to sleep you must make a habit to do these 5 things

 If you have a tendency to go to bed in a certain way and wake up in the morning really nasty that means you are incubating things in the night very efficiently. This is not just about psychological disturbances, it can cause major psychological problems over a period of time. This is important that you eliminate these things from life. So before you go to bed in the night, there are certain things that you need to take care of.

  •   Eat 3-4 hours before going to bed. It’s great if you are eating meat and other kinds of meals, you eat at least 3-4 hours before you go to bed. The digestion is over before going to bed. Drink a certain amount of water and go to bed.

  •   Before go to bed, one simple thing can be just a shower. It will make a lot of difference. It may be difficult to take cold shower, so you go for lukewarm showers. It makes you alert, so you will think, “Oh, I cannot sleep.” It’s not important that if you will sleep fifteen, twenty minutes or half an hour later, you will sleep better because it will take away certain things. While taking shower, it’s not only the dirt that you want to remove from your body but certain purification happens, which is beyond cleaning the skin.

  •          Burn little organic lamp with some oil and cotton wick somewhere in the room where you sleep

  •       Yogic practices before you to go bed. Sit on your bed and do yoga. Spend at least ten minutes to remind yourself: “I am not this body, I am not this mind”

There are some facts about Deep Sleep.

The goal of guided sleep meditation is to decrease the impact of worrying thoughts and tension in your body on your sleep. By learning the way to shift your focus and relax your body, you'll start to note improvements in your ability to fall and stay asleep. Let’s discuss some benefits of deep meditation. Achieving restful sleep are often hard if you're battling stress and anxiety.  Many issues around sleep begin together with your thinking processes in the night. This is where guided sleep meditation can help you. The purpose of allowing your mind and body to get into a deep sleep, is to affect human growth hormones.

If you're battling stress and anxiety, achieving restful sleep are often hard. Many issues around sleep begin with your thinking processes within the night. This is often where guided sleep meditation can assist you. The aim of allowing your mind and body into a deep sleep, is to affect human growth hormones.

According to the American Sleep Association, around 30 percent of adults have short-term problems with insomnia, and about 10 percent have chronic difficulties with falling and/or staying asleep. Adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep to function best, and teenagers need even more (8 to 10 hours). Methods for improving sleep are getting more well-known.

Some benefits of Deep Meditation:

·        Promotes emotional health
·        Controls anxiety
·        Reduces stress
·        Enhances self-awareness
·        Lengthens attention span

·        May reduce age-related memory loss
·        May help fight addictions
·        Improves sleep
·        Helps control pain
·        Can decrease blood pressure


  • Chamomile tea will reduce anxiety and calm the nervous system as it relaxes the muscles and allows your brain and body to fall into a deep sleep. The calming effects of this sleep is attributed to an antioxidant called a pigeon in a pigeon in binds to specific receptors in your brain which decreases anxiety and initiates sleep.

Apple cider vinegar has many medical health benefits. It lowers blood sugar level, decreases insulin level. It improves metabolism and reduces fat storage will boost metabolism and increase weight loss. Lemon helps to detoxify the liver and blood, as it helps the body release toxins

Chamomile Tea Ingredients

·        1 Chamomile tea bag

·        8-12 Ounce of water

·        ½ Lemon

·        1 Table spoon of apple cider vinegar

·        ½ Teaspoon of cinnamon

Add boiling water and chamomile tea bag in a cup.

Now add above mentioned ingredients in cup.

Let it steep for 10 minutes.

Drink this tea before going to bed. These ingredients mixed with the chamomile tea is going to cause neurological stimulation within the brain which helps to increase metabolism. So you can burn fat easily. Use it for seven days bring a significant change in your m
