Weight loss tips


Are you upset with your Excess Weight? Do you really want to lose your fat? Is there any way to get rid of excess belly fat? We’re going to share with you amazing tips that can help you get rid of excess fat.


Eliminating unhealthy food

Eliminating unhealthy food can reduce the total number of calories we consume in a day, which results to weight loss. Avoid eating unhealthy food like potato, cheesy foods and chips is a simple way of reducing calorie consumption.

 When we remove unhealthy food from our diet there is more space for nutrient-dense food. Replacing unhealthy food with fruits, and lean protein, vegetables, whole grains will supply essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamin, protein, calcium etc.

Cutting on such food items from the diet, reduces the danger of chronic health conditions.

The key to good skin, hair lies in the food choices we make. From the day you cut back on eating junk, you I’ll find you skin look and feel much better. So you should eat healthy food if you also want your shiny, healthy and glowing skin.

 Reducing junk food will lead to a more restful sleep and fresher you the next day!


Cutting Out Carbonated and Sugary Drinks

Cutting sugar from diet is associated with weight loss and seems to have a bigger impact on weight than cutting back on solid foods

Consumption of liquid calories from beverages has increased in parallel with the obesity epidemic in the US population.

The researchers examined how changes in beverage consumption over 18months effected the weight of 810 adults. They found that cutting back on liquid calories was associated with a weight loss of 0.6 pounds at 6 month and 0.5 pounds at 18 months. The only type associated with weight loss is sugar beverages.

They conclude  “support recommendations to limit liquid calories intake among adults and to reduce sugar sweetened beverage consumption as a mean to accomplish weight loss or avoid excess weight gain


Laughter not only diminish pain, strengthens your immune system boost mood but it can also be helpful in weight lose and belly fat.

The fact is that as you laugh, the muscles in your belly starts contracting and expanding, which is exactly like exercising your abs.

To exercise various muscles, laughter can be a natural way and thus, aiding you in weight loss.

If a person laughs for 10-15 minutes every day. This laugh can be helpful for a person to burn about 40 calories.

So keep laughing, this medicine is fun and free, no charge required.


Drink a lot of water

Hydration is a key that comes from drinking water and it play a role in weight loss, including muscle function and digestion.

When the stomach is full, it starts sending signals to the brain to stop eating. Water can help leading to a feeling of fullness and reducing hunger.

Drinking a full glass of water before eating something can help to curb unnecessary snacking.

Water may also increase the number of calories while resting or the body’s resting energy expenditure.

Drinking enough water can also reduce liquid calorie intake, in such a way when you starts replacing high calorie drinks with water or other less calorie beverages e.g. herbal tea may also help you to lose weight.

The body cannot properly stores carbohydrates without water, so drinking enough water is essential for burning off fat from food and drink.

Don’t count calories

Research showing that we should stop counting calories because it’s not a effective way to lose weight

The results of Christopher D. Garden, showed that those who did not care about counting calories or limiting portion size and decided instead to cut back on added sugar, refined grains and highly processed foods while focusing on consuming of vegetables and whole foods lost large amounts of weight over the course of a year.

Some ways to lose weight without counting calories

Using smaller plates can trick your brain into thinking that you’re actually eating more.

Replace your grain based breakfast with eggs

Eating low calories food makes you feel fuller with fewer calories.

Make time for quality sleep and avoiding stress can improve the function of hormones

Cutting carbs can make you lose weight faster than eating until full.

Avoid taking nap at daytime

People who take a nap immediately after meals tend to suffer from acidity. This is often because lying down disturbs the digestion process and causes acid reflux or regurgitation. So if like to rest at daytime and keep acidity and weight gain cornered, do a couple of chores after meals then take nap.
Interestingly, which indicating that individuals who either suffer from sleep deprivation or get only limited amounts of sleep could also be
 more vulnerable to weight gain. It appears that lack of sleep result in decreased release of the hormone leptin—higher levels of which confer a sense of fullness, whereas low levels may result in feelings of hunger.

What happen when people take poor sleep at night?

Poor Sleep Can Increase Your Appetite
Poor Sleep may be a Major Risk Factor for Weight Gain and Obesity
Poor Sleep Can Increase Your Calorie Intake
Poor Sleep May Decrease Your Resting Metabolism


Get rid of stress and anxiety

Stop before you eat aside from at mealtimes, and consider whether you're actually hungry or if you’re reaching for food for an additional reason. “Food isn't the simplest match for the emotional need of stress,” says Conason. “It may alleviate stress for a flash, but the strain will nearly always return. It is vital to seek out how to more authentically meet our emotional needs.”

Conason recommends that specialize in noticing when you’re eating in response to worry, versus when you’re eating in response to physiological hunger. “From there, you'll believe the way to best look after your needs, whether that's with food or another coping mechanism, like a stress-reduction or relaxation technique,” she says. Do some yoga or deep breathing, call a lover, read a book, or maybe take a nap. Don’t be afraid to hunt professional support if you would like it.

Instead of removing your stress on a bag of chips, take it outside or walk round the house. It can do wonders for helping to calm you down.

Cheat Meals

Cheating within a diet plan involves giving yourself calculated, planned permission to temporarily break strict diet rules.

The theory behind this reward-based diet strategy is that by allowing yourself brief periods of indulgence, you’ll be more likely to stay to your prescribed diet, cheat meal may be a single meal that veers from your planned diet pattern, while a cheat day allows for free of charge food choices for a whole day.

Cheat diet methods are highly variable. How they’re implemented may look very different for various people. There is no specific guideline for when or how frequently your cheat meal or day should occur. Often people will include one cheat per week, but this will change counting on what the person’s health or weight loss goals are.


Using cheat meals will lead to measurable changes in body composition and improved metabolic function due to fluctuations in the hunger hormone leptin (hormone responsible for suppressing feelings of hunger)


Brush your teeth after every meal

Brushing helps to get rid of the food particles and plaques attached to the gums and teeth and this reduces the build-up of microbes which will mix with the saliva and play tricks with the brain to induce a sense of hunger. Here are quite few There are few evidences that brushing can help to stay your weight in restraint and limit your calorie intake.

Many people performing on getting into shape, find that they often crave food in between meals. If you’re trying to eat on your in-between snacking, try brushing your teeth more frequently and particularly, in-between your meals. Brushing decreases your appetite especially once you try to avoid overeating.

Eat less but more Frequently

The factor is just the amount of calories you eat and burn. So, generally, if you consume fewer calories than you should lose weight. Alternatively, if you eat more then you'll gain weight. Maintaining your weight means hitting the sweet spot of taking within the same amount of fuel that you simply spend every day via exercise and living your lifestyle.

. However, changing the standard of foods you eat, will have a better long term impact on weight loss and weight maintenance. It is vital that your hunger is kept cornered which you've got optimal amounts of energy to move more.

