In Human body there are different hormones play different role .Thyroid is one who play with human body weight regulation. Thyroid dysfunction ,including hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. These thyroid hormones can lose your body weight or you can gain body weight due to these hormones.
Reason of gain weight in Hypothyroidism?
In Hypothyroidism your body make less thyroid hormones. your metabolism slows down. So your calories burning process slow down and you will gain weight .
Reason of lose weight in Hyperthyroidism ?
In Hyperthyroidism your thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxin. then your metabolism process work too fast ,the food which you take ,its digest quickly ,causing unintentional weight loss .
How you can lose weight with Hypothyroidism?
when you have a hypothyroid you have to do these things.
- Don't take stress.
- Sugar replace with stevia or sucral
- Have any activity or exercise regularly .
- Do intermittent fasting. for intermittent fasting
- Take proper medicine
- Use Apple cider vinegar and coconut oil (see in another blog related to this)
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism:
- Weight gain.
- Feel Tired all day
- constipation.
- depression.
- weakness
- Rapid heartbeat
- shakiness
- dry and rough skin
- muscle cramps.
- being sensitive to cold.
- Hair loss
- Goiter
- Menstrual changes
- High cholesterol
Complications In Hypothyroidism
Complications in hypothyroidism It makes hormones that regulate growth and metabolism. These hormones affect every part of body function. Thyroid hormones can influence:
- body temperature
- weight
- fertility